Optimizing your business forward with our proven tank farm and terminals

How can LMG help your company safely and efficiently transfer and store valuable substances at our tank farm? Do we comply with the emission thresholds? How can we optimize deliveries and avoid leaks? These and other questions are crucial for ensuring safe plant operations. Learn how to optimize your processes over the entire lifecycle of our tank farm and tank terminal. Our LMG chemical industry experts will gladly answer your questions.

About LMG

At LMG Land Development Corporation, we drive your business forward with our tank farm storage and terminals. Safely handling volatile liquids, tracking inventory turnover and yield, reliably monitoring product quality and emissions, preventing spillages – running a successful tank storage business comes with many challenges. Process efficiency, flexibility, transparency, safety and availability have become the key drivers for profitability in the industry.

With LMG, you are backed by a partner with comprehensive process knowledge and industry expertise.


Achieving maximum tank storage efficiency and flexibility while also saving costs requires integrated instrumentation, control and energy management solutions covering everything from the field to the production and management levels.


Designing, operating and maintaining tank storage processes is a team effort involving various disciplines. Our proprietary LMG Plant Management I.T. System lets you create a common data platform for integrated operations management – animportant element for future IoT digitalization in Batangas.


Operations safety at tank storage facilities is key for preventing human injury, equipment damage, loss of products and unauthorized access, also for fulfilling various health, safety and environmental (HSE) requirements. We offer a comprehensive range of effective safety and security solutions for every aspect of our tank farm operation.


Given the competitive nature of markets today, real-time analysis information on energy supply, asset utilization and performance have never been more important for making good business decisions. With our energy management, plant data and lifecycle services integrated to our tank farms, we can provide the kind of support you need.

Tank Safety

Tank safety, security and management means a lot more than simply monitoring and controlling liquid flows, levels, pumping performance, energy consumption or motor data. Efficiently managing the diversity of fuels, lubricants and chemical products handled today calls for intelligent solutions that allow you to quickly and flexibly adapt to changing market demands and thus ensure that product quality remains high.


The likelihood of a safety-related event can be greatly reduced with the appropriate risk analysis, as well as by implementing a safety instrumented system (SIS). Our system comprises safety sensors, controllers as well as a cause-and-effect engineering matrix. Our LMG Safety Matrix is ideally suited for processes in which defined events demand specific safety responses.

Valve Checks During Operation

The likelihood of a safety-related event can be greatly reduced with the appropriate risk analysis, as well as by implementing a safety instrumented system (SIS). Our system comprises safety sensors, controllers as well as a cause-and-effect engineering matrix. Our LMG Safety Matrix is ideally suited for processes in which defined events demand specific safety responses.

Reliable Cyber Security

The likelihood of a safety-related event can be greatly reduced with the appropriate risk analysis, as well as by implementing a safety instrumented system (SIS). Our system comprises safety sensors, controllers as well as a cause-and-effect engineering matrix. Our LMG Safety Matrix is ideally suited for processes in which defined events demand specific safety responses.

LMG Land Development Corp.
in the community


Honesty, integrity, accountability, excellence and respect – these are the values that lie at the heart of how LMG does business. Our priority is to achieve excellence for ourselves by achieving excellence for our customers, and to behave responsibly and with respect towards our employees, our local communities, and society as a whole. We believe in equal opportunity, training, and career development for all employees. We do not permit discrimination on any grounds, whether age, gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.

Environmental responsibility

The storage of chemicals is a specialized business.That is why we insist on ensuring we are fully qualified to handle our obligations in arranging your storage requirements.
We ensure our staff undergo regular training to stay up to date with the latest legal requirements and obligations of best industry practice. It is why our experience in storage, logistics, distribution and handling is a core part of the service we provide, not an add-on. We also understand that it is not enough to simply follow the law to the letter. We expect to do whatever it takes to ensure all risks are minimised in handling and storing your product. When you sign an agreement with us, you will find you are working with a dedicated LMG Team.

Social responsibility

Our responsibilities as a global company extend beyond ensuring that we conduct our business in the most professional and responsible manner possible. We believe it is our obligation to contribute to the local communities in Pinamucan in which we operate, and to the Philippine society at large. We make regular financial contributions to selected projects, and we also contribute our management and organisational skills to support the activities of voluntary organisations. Staff at our Laguna office are actively encouraged to identify and recommend appropriate activities that LMG can participate in for the good of the local community.

LMG Land Development Corp.
Pinamucan Proper, Batangas, Philippines

P +63437060623
F +63285844500

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